ceative ways to buy onthegrade gifts for corpsmembers December 10 2018, 0 Comments
Here are some ways staff can purchase onthegrade products for Corpsmembers.
- Work with a willing sponsor to purchase gifts. Often sponsors are more than willing to do this, especially around the December Holidays.
- If you have a Community Advisory Board ask the Board to fund promotion items for corpsmembers on a regular basis. If the Board is unable to do this, and individual board member or her organization may be willing.
- We have found that Volunteer sponsor organizations often ask if they can do anything for corpsmembers. Usually the Corps staff person in charge if volunteering is the person who hears this request. Work with your Center Director - remember they are asking you - not the other way around.
Finally, when any organizations or individuals donate their time and money to purchase onthegrade.com products for corpsmembers, invite them to the event to hand out the items to deserving corpsmembers. As you know the energy and excitement in the room is "next to none" when a corpsmember receives a promotion, high school diploma or graduates with scholarships.